AERA 2010 Recap

Empirical Education had a strong showing at the American Educational Research Association annual conference this year in Denver, Colorado. Copies of our poster and paper presentations are available for download by clicking the links below. We also enjoyed seeing so many of you at our reception at Cru Wine Bar.
View the pictures from our event!
Formative and Summative Evaluations of Math Interventions, Paper Discussion
Division: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools
Section 2: Program Evaluation in School Settings
Chair: Dale Whittington (Shaker Heights City School District)
Measuring the Impact of a Math Program as It Is Rolled Out Over Several Years
Reading, Written Expression, and Language Arts, Poster Session
Division: Division C - Learning and Instruction
Section 1: Reading, Writing, and Language Arts
Examining the Efficacy of a Sight-Word Reading Program for Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Phase 2
Statistical Theory and Quantitative Methods, Poster Session
Division: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodology
Section 2: Quantitative Methods and Statistical Theory
Matched Pairs, ICCs, and R-Squared: Lessons From Several Effectiveness Trials in Education
Formative Evaluations of Educational Programs, Poster Session
Division: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools
Section 2: Program Evaluation in School Settings
Addressing Challenges of Within-School Randomization