Empirical Education Helps North Carolina to Train and Calibrate School Leaders in the North Carolina Educator Effectiveness System

Empirical Education, working with its partner BloomBoard, is providing calibration and training services for school administrators across the state of North Carolina. The use of Observation Engine began in June with a pilot of the integrated solution, and once fully deployed, will be available to all 115 districts in the state, reaching more than 6,000 school leaders and potentially 120,000 teachers in the process.
The partnership with BloomBoard gives users an easy-to-use, integrated platform and gives North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) a comprehensive online training and calibration solution for school administrators who will be evaluating teachers as part of the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES). The platform will combine Empirical’s state-of-the-art observer training and calibration tool, Observation Engine, with BloomBoard’s Professional Development Marketplace.
NCDPI Director of Education Effectiveness, Lynne Johnson, is excited about the potential for the initiative. “The BloomBoard-Empirical partnership is an innovative new approach that will help change the way our state personalizes the training, professional development, and calibration of our educators,” says Johnson. “We look forward to working with partners that continue to change the future of U.S. education.”
Read the press release.