blog posts and news stories

Empirical Education Partners with NWEA to Research Virtual Control Groups

Northwest Evaluation Association, the leading provider of computer adaptive testing for schools, is partnering with Empirical Education to analyze the properties of its virtual control group (VCG) technologies. Empirical has already conducted a large number of randomized experiments in which NWEA’s “Measures of Academic Progress” (MAP) served both as pretest and posttest. The characteristics of a randomly assigned control group provide a yardstick in evaluating the characteristics of the VCG. The proposed research builds on extensive theoretical work on approaches to forming comparison groups for obtaining unbiased impact estimates from quasi-experiments.

In parallel to this theoretical analysis, NWEA and Empirical Education are cooperating in a nationwide comparison group (“quasi-”) experiment to estimate the impact of a basal reading program in wide use nationally. Taking advantage of the fact that MAP is in use in thousands of schools, Empirical will identify a group of schools currently using this reading program and testing their students’ reading using MAP and then select a well matched comparison group from non-users who also test with MAP. Characteristics of the schools such as SES, percent English learner, urbanicity, ethnicity, and geographic region, as well as prior reading achievement, will be used in identifying the comparison group.


Presentation at the Society for Research in Educational Effectiveness (SREE) Explores Methods for Studying Achievement Gaps

Frequently in Empirical Education’s experimental evaluations for school districts, the question of local concern is an achievement gap identified between two student groups. The analysis of these experiments also often finds significant differences between these subgroups in how effective the intervention was (that is, if it increased or decreased the gap) while not finding a significant overall difference. In his 2005 book, Howard Bloom suggested why there may be more statistical power to detect subgroup differences than to detect the average effect. The exploration presented at SREE, which was held in Washington March 1-3, examined the statistical characteristics of eight experiments conducted over the last three years to find out whether a critical assumption of Bloom’s approach held. His assumption is that the average performance gap does not vary across the units that are randomized. The work, led by Andrew P. Jaciw, Empirical Education’s Director of Experimental Design and Analysis, found that the assumption held. This finding is important because it suggests that local experiments focusing on achievement gaps may be less expensive than experiments addressing only the overall average effect of an intervention. (Click here for a copy of the poster and handout.)

Bloom, H. S., (2005). Randomizing groups to evaluate place-based programs. In H. S. Bloom (Ed). Learning More From Social Experiments. New York, NY: Sage.


Methods for Local Experimental Evaluation of STEM Initiatives Presented to State Legislators

The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) presented a seminar for education committee chairs January 9-11 in Huntsville, Alabama, home of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. The topic was “Linking Research and Policy to Improve Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education.” Empirical Education‘s president, Denis Newman, presented the company‘s research on the Alabama Math Science and Technology Initiative, an 80-school randomized experiment being conducted as part of its contract with the Regional Education Laboratory for the Southeast. The presentation also drew on findings from experiments the company has conducted to evaluate STEM initiatives elsewhere in the country to illustrate the importance of local research goals and characteristics in evaluation design. The seminar was part of a series on research funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. (Click here for a copy of the presentation.)


New MeasureResults® Webpage

Empirical Education clients and partners can now keep track of the latest MeasureResults developments on our new webpage. The webpage features video clips that explain how MeasureResults’ online interface can be used to set up and conduct school level studies, as well as details about the design and development of program features. Updates and announcements will be posted on a regular basis. In addition to serving our existing MeasureResults subscribers, Empirical Education is currently developing a custom-designed MeasureResults tool for use in more than ten school districts for a high-school math effectiveness study.


Empirical Education Focuses on Local Characteristics at the 14th Annual CREATE Conference

Empirical Education staff presented at the National Evaluation Institute’s (NEI) 14th annual CREATE conference in Wilmington, North Carolina. Both presentations focused on the local characteristics of the evaluations. Dr. Denis Newman, president of Empirical Education, and Jenna Zacamy, research manager, presented a randomized experiment which evaluated the impact of a pre-algebra curriculum (Carnegie Learning’s Cognitive Tutor Bridge to Algebra) being introduced in a pilot program in the Maui School District. The district adopted the program based in part on previous research showing substantial positive results in Oklahoma (Morgan & Ritter 2002). Given the unique locale and ethnic makeup in Maui, a local evaluation was warranted. District educators were concerned in particular with their less experienced teachers and with ethnic groups considered at risk. Unlike in prior research, we found no overall impact although for the algebraic operations subscale, low scoring students benefited from being in the Cognitive Tutor classes indicating that the new program could help to reduce the achievement gaps of concern. We also found for the overall math scale that uncertified teachers were more successful with their Cognitive Tutor classes than their conventional classes. Dr. Newman also presented work co-authored with Marco Muñoz and Andrew Jaciw on a quasi-experimental comparison, conducted by Empirical Education and Jefferson County (KY) schools, of an activity-based middle-school science program (Premier Science) to more traditional textbook programs. All the data were supplied by the district including a rating of quality of implementation. The primary pretest and outcome measures were tests of science and reading achievement. While there was no discernible difference overall, poor readers gained more from the non-textbook approach, helping to diminish an achievement gap of concern to the district.


Reports Released on the Effect of Carnegie Learning’s Cognitive Tutor

The Maui School District has released results from a study of the effect of Carnegie Learning’s Cognitive Tutor (CT) on long-term course selections and grade performance. Building upon two previous randomized experiments on the impact of CT on student achievement in Algebra I and Pre–algebra, the study followed the same groups of students in the year following their exposure to CT. The research did not find evidence of an impact of CT on either course selection or course grade performance for students in the following school year. The study also found no evidence that variation among ethnicities in both the difficulty of course taken and course grade received depended on exposure to CT.

A concurrent study was conducted on the successes and challenges of program implementation with the teachers involved in the previous CT studies. The study took into account teachers’ levels of use and length of exposure to CT; the descriptive data comprised surveys, classroom observations, and interviews. The major challenges to implementation included a lack of access to resources, limited support for technology, and other technological difficulties. After 3 years of implementation, teachers reported that these initial barriers had been resolved; however teachers have yet to establish a fully collaborative classroom environment, as described in the Carnegie Learning implementation model.

Maui School District is the company’s first MeasureResults subscriber. A similar research initiative is being conducted at the community college level with The Maui Educational Consortium. The report for this study will be announced later this year.


Five Presentations Accepted for AERA 2009

Empirical Education will be heading to sunny San Diego next April! Once again, Empirical will have a strong showing at the 2009 American Educational Research Association conference, which will be held in downtown San Diego on April 13-17, 2009. Our presentations will span several divisions, including Learning & Instruction, Measurement & Research Methodology, and Research, Evaluation, & Assessment in Schools. Research topics will include:

As a follow-up to our successful 2008 AERA New York reception at Henri Bendel’s Chocolate Room, Empirical Education plans to host another “meet and greet” at this year’s conference as well. Details about the reception will be announced on our website soon.


Report Released on The Efficacy of PCI’s Reading Program — Level One

Empirical Education and PCI Education have released the results of a one-year randomized control trial on the efficacy of PCI’s Reading Program — Level 1 for students with moderate to severe disabilities. Conducted in the Brevard and Miami-Dade County school districts, the study found that, after one year, students in the PCI program had substantial success in learning sight words in comparison to students in the control group — equivalent to a 21 percentile point difference. Though researchers found that students’ grade level had no effect on achievement with the program, they found a small moderating effect of the phonological pre-assessment: students starting with greater phonological skills benefit more from PCI than students starting with lower scores. This report will be presented at the 2009 AERA conference in San Diego, CA. A four-year follow-on study is being conducted with a larger group of students in Florida.


Final Report on “Local Experiments” Project

Empirical Education released the final report of a project that has developed a unique perspective on how school systems can use scientific evidence. Representing more than three years of research and development effort, our report describes the startup of six randomized experiments and traces how local agencies decided to undertake the studies and how the resulting information was used. The project was funded by a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences under their program on Education Policy, Finance, and Systems. It started with a straightforward conjecture:

The combination of readily available student data and the greater pressure on school systems to improve productivity through the use of scientific evidence of program effectiveness could lead to a reduction in the cost of rigorous program evaluations and to a rapid increase in the number of such studies conducted internally by school districts.

The prevailing view of scientifically based research is that educators are consumers of research conducted by professionals. There is also a belief that rigorous research is extraordinarily expensive. The supposition behind our proposal was that the cost could be made low enough to allow experiments to be conducted routinely to support district decisions with local educators as the producers of evidence. The project contributed a number of methodological, analytic, and reporting approaches with potential to lower costs and make rigorous program evaluation more accessible to district researchers. An important result of the work was bringing to light the differences between conventional research design aimed at broadly generalized conclusions and design aimed at answering a local question, where sampling is restricted to the relevant “unit of decision making” such as a school district with jurisdiction over decisions about instructional or professional development programs. The final report concludes with an understanding of research use at the central office level, whether “data-driven” or “evidence-based” decision making, as a process of moving through stages in which looking for descriptive patterns in the data (i.e., data mining for questions of interest) will precede the use of statistical analysis of differences between and associations among variables of interest using appropriate methods such as HLM. And these will precede the adoption of an experimental research design to isolate causal, moderator, and mediator effects. It is proposed that most districts are not yet prepared to produce and use experimental evidence but would be able to start with useful descriptive exploration of data leading to needs assessment as a first step in a more proactive use of evaluation to inform their decisions.

For a copy of the report, please choose the Toward School Districts Conducting Their Own Rigorous Program Evaluation paper from our reports and papers webpage.


Maui Community College Hires Empirical Education for an Evaluation of NSF-Funded Project

In Hawaii, Ho’okahua means “to lay a foundation”. Focusing on Hawaiian students over multiple years, the Ho’okahua Project aims to increase the number of Maui Community College (MCC) students entering, persisting, and succeeding in college level science, mathematics, and other STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) degree programs. Several strategies have already been implemented, including a bridge program with the high schools from which the MCC student community is largely drawn.

The Maui Educational Consortium provides leadership for this work and has been instrumental in a number of other initiatives for increasing the capacity to achieve their goals. For example, the implementation of Cognitive Tutor for Algebra 1 was the subject of a related Empirical Education randomized experiment. Another important capacity fostered by the Educational Consortium, working with the University of Hawai’i Office of the State Director for Career and Technical Education, is an initiative called HI-PASS, which aggregates student data across high school and community college. Initially in its evaluation, Empirical Education will be using information on math courses developed through the HI-PASS project to follow the success of students from the earlier study.
