Rock Island-Milan School District, Connect with Kids, and Empirical Education Win an EIR Grant

The Rock Island-Milan School District #41 (RIMSD) in partnership with CWK Network, Inc. (Connect with Kids) and Empirical Education just announced that they were awarded an EIR grant to develop and evaluate a program called How Are The Children? (HATC). This project-based social emotional curriculum intends to foster students’ social emotional competence, increase student engagement, and ameliorate the long-term social emotional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We will be conducting an independent evaluation of the effectiveness of HATC through a randomized control trial and formative evaluation. Our findings will inform the improvement of the program, as well as to foster the expansion of the curriculum into other schools and districts.
For more details on this grant and the project, see the press announcement and our EIR grant proposal.